
”Stolen Fish” in Solec

On April 8, in Solec, we watched the documentary entitled "Stolen Fish" and we met remotely with its creator Gosia Juszczak. The document deals with the problem of the exploitation of natural fisheries off the coast of Gambia, a small country in Africa with a population of t...

2 SLO Team in the Śródmieście Final

Our team left the group and qualified for the 5th team final of the Śródmieście Youth Olympics in football. The 2 SLO players played sensational! (text and photos: Wioletta Handzel)

In Treblinka

At the beginning of May, we ( pre – DP2 students) visited the remains of the Nazi extermination camp in Treblinka, one of the most terrifying crime scenes of the Third Reich. About 800,000 Jews, deported mainly from the ghettos in Warsaw and Radom, were murdered here in just ...

IB2 Visual Arts Exhibition

The final exhibition of group Visual Arts IB took place on March 18th. This is their internal exam considered as the most important artistic experience in their school career. Each student created at least 10 artworks, both three-dimensional forms (sculpture, installation) an...

Art for Ukraine

PLN 13,880 was collected for refugees from Ukraine. The money will be transferred in part to the Polish Humanitarian Action, and in part spent on the purchase and sending the most necessary articles to Ukraine itself. All the works on the auction and most of the handicraft pr...

Register and Watch the TEDx Conference in Warsaw

On March 25th, 2022, TEDxYouth @ 2SLO, an authorized TEDx conference organized by the students of Paweł Jasienica’s 2SLO.  Young speakers – students of, among others, 2 SLO, the II Stefan Batory’s  and of the XXXIII  Nicholas Copernicus’ Secondary Schools&nb...

2SLO IB Graduate’s Extended Essay Becomes a Sample on IB Pages

Aleksander Małachowski’s extended essay in geography, supervised by Maciej Dąbski, became a sample on IB pages. Link to the page: https://ibpublishing.ibo.org/extendedessay/apps/dpapp/sample.html?doc=d_0_eeyyy_gui_1602_1_e&part=1&chapter=7&sample-index=2&n...

Oxford Debates

The Warsaw Debate League (organized by the Nowy Głos Foundation)    is an experience of public speaking, testing yourself in active listening and the strength of your arguments in confrontation with the other party in the d...

Project “Konstytucja”

Throughout the last 8 months, two groups of second-year students from 2 SLO IB and Batory high school took part in a historical project. The students were disputing whether the constitution passed on the 3rd of May 1791 should have been written based on the one that the Ja...

Brak zdjęcia

Refugees Are a Chance for Us, They Can Enrich Our Culture

"We are a wealthy country with the possibility of organizing temporary centers for refugees who, coming from other cultures, can enrich us," says Jacek Cichocki - Minister of the Interior in 2011 - 2013, who was our guest on December 1, 2021. He answered questions about the c...

Brak zdjęcia

Refugees Are a Chance for Us, They Can Enrich Our Culture

We are a wealthy country with the possibility of organizing temporary centers for refugees who, coming from other cultures, can enrich us, says Jacek Cichocki – Minister of the Interior in 2011 – 2013, who was our guest on December 1, 2021. He answered questions about the cu...

Words on Canvas

Artworks co-created by Marysia Niedziela and Kacper Maciejewski, both members of our student community, are now on display in the school’s building. The exhibition’s opening was held by Tomasz Mazur, the IBDP coordinat...


The headteacher Anna Sobala - Zbroszczyk opened another JASMUN conference.In a welcoming speech, she mentioned that although we had a difficult time of isolation, we come back hoping to share ideas and to face the challenges of the future. Sh...
