Since 2014, our school has been engaging students in various engineering projects related to robotics and the space industry. It all started with a middle school rocket science project, but soon ambitions reached even further. Here are some of the achievements:
- completing a stratosheric mission by sending a probe to the edge of space (2017),
- construction of a weather station (2018),
- designing a mini-satellite to monitor natural disasters in real time (2019),
- organizing a Bluetooth-controlled racing car competition (2023) and a sumo-robot competition (2024),
- building another mini-satellite to assist in search-and-rescue operations (2024).
Currently, teams of 2SLO students are designing two mini-satellites under the guidance of Mr Pankajkumar Joshi and Mr Oskar Sobiecki, as well as preparing our school’s second-ever stratospheric mission in Mr Piotr Morawiecki’s electronics club.
On this site, you can learn more about our past and ongoing projects. If you would like to join Space & Engineering projects’ team, please get in touch with the physics teacher, Piotr Morawiecki, to learn about current and upcoming initiatives.

Piotr Morawiecki
Since the secondary school he has been fascinated by mathematical modelling, and in his later academic career he specialized in the Industrial Mathematics, carrying out research projects for over 30 companies representing various branches of industry. He got a Master degree in Physics from the University of Warsaw, and is currently finishing a PhD in Applied Mathematics at the University of Bath on modelling of river floods. At school, apart from teaching Physics in IB, he runs extracurricular classes and projects.

2SLO Conquers Space Again!
Students of Pre-DP 2: Michał W., Michał M., Piotr, Edward, Witold and Matsvei under the supervision of Mr Pankajkumar Joshi create a team called Shooting Star, which will take part in this year’s edition of the CanSat engineering competition. The probe they design…

PyroSat 2025
The PyroSat team, composed of DP1 students under the supervision of mathematics teacher Oskar Sobiecki, is taking part in this year’s edition of the CanSat competition organized by the European Space Agency. The goal of each team is to build a mini-satellite, which will th…

Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of Our Space & Engineering Program
This year marks the 10-year anniversary of our school’s Space & Engineering Program! To celebrate this milestone, a display case has been set up in Room 502, showcasing the remarkable achievements of our students across a wide array of engineering and space-related projec…

Space Conquered Again
This year, a group of six IB students, under the supervision of Piotr Morawiecki, took part in the CanSat competition organized by the European Space Agency this year and took the third place in Poland. The aim of the competition is to design, construct and test a mini-satell…

Students Building a Satellite
Infographic showing the various stages of the CanSat mission The project’s goal is to build a mini-satellite the size of a can, which will descend on a parachute from a height of several kilometres. Each team must accomplish two missions: a primary one (common to a…
[2] [maj 2019]
[4] [czerwiec 2019]
[5] [czerwiec 2019]
[6] [lipiec 2019]
[7] [lipiec 2019]
[8] [listopad 2019]
[9] [luty 2024]
[10] [marzec 2024]
[11] [marzec 2024]
[12] [marzec 2024]
[13] [kwiecień 2024]
Radio Articles:
[1],Stacja-Nauka-23-stycznia-godz-1204 [styczeń 2017] (wchodzimy na antenę w minucie 15:50)
[2],stacja-nauka-15-kwietnia-godz-1204 [kwiecień 2019]