Wonderful By-ways
On March 30, the Visual Arts DP2 group presented at the preview the fruits of their two-year artistic struggle under the direction of Julia Łukasiak. The meeting began with an introductory word from the Management. Anna Sobala-Zbroszczyk referred to Edward Stachura and his wonderful by-ways as a territory of artistic activity, and Tomasz Mazur, referring to the philosophical tradition, recalled the role of art as a way to take a fascinating, in-depth journey into reality. The artists presented their mini-exhibitions in which they touched on the issues of the biological nature of existence, emotional diversity, or natural phenomena. Viewers got to know the world of memories, stories, dreams, difficult relationships, the phenomenon of lightning, or longing for inner harmony. Congratulations to the artists and to Julia Łukasiak!

(text: Beata Ciacek; photos: Jan W., Beata Ciacek)