With an Appetite for More Debates

This year, a brand new discussion team from our school took part in the Warsaw Debate League. The task turned out to be quite a challenge, as the team competed with the best teams in Poland. The debaters faced many challenges that made their ventures more interesting and the team stronger. All this led them to wining game. Jointly acquired skills and cooperation between the pre-DP1 and DP1 generations, and not the victory, were the most important part of the project. The subject of the debates was a variety of topics, ranging from feminism and nationalism to real-life issues such as the structure of non-profit organizations and the politics of streaming services

Despite initially failing in most of the debates, they were in high spirits, and each new job excited the team and became an opportunity for fruitful research. Over time, their rhetorical and analytical skills became better and better, and this contributed to a deeper understanding of social mechanisms and even more diligent work. All in all, the debaters, motivated by their win and excited about the competition, intend to continue the struggle next year.

(text: Ola S. and team, edited by : Beata Ciacek; photos: Agnieszka Siatkowska)