This is the End of a Certain Stage of the Journey
“Cultivate a reflective attitude carefully throughout your life” – encouraged Tomasz Mazur – IB Coordinator, summarizing the ending, four-year time of studying in international branches of high school students. He thanked all the students for co-creating the school and assured them with the words of Heraclitus of Ephesus that “You will not discover the limits of the soul
by traveling, even if you wander over every conceivable path, so deep is its story.” Form teachers – Lidia Ślubowska-Kośnik and Franciszek Fijałkowski-Woyciechowski recalled the initial period of school, an integration trip, the time of the pandemic, studying at DP. It all started with rain, questions about passing CAS, quiet evenings, “mafia” and paper, rock, scissors games. Then came the time of dark screens in the pandemic and remarks about doing exercises in PE class without a shirt. Fortunately, the isolation at home came to an end, and in May they all went sailing together, deprived of access to mobile phones. At the end, they assured the students that the time spent together will remain in everyone forever and that although they are leaving for different lives, where many good and difficult moments await them, they can always return to school, to people who are friendly to them. Each student was given a stuffed toy animal, individually selected, but how the pet was chosen will remain a mystery for the rest of their lives. Franciszek Fijałkowski – Woyciechowski encouraged graduates to search and meet: “Keep guessing the reason and visit us”.
Maciej Dąbski said goodbye to high school graduates with a quote from Roman Ingarden about building a long-lasting “Me” for their lives. Gabriela S., a graduate, compared 2SLO to Hogwarts, thanked the teachers for their inspiration and commitment, and expressed her strong faith in the possibility of gaining twenty-four points at the final exams. Graduates also prepared a Kahoot quiz for teachers to check their knowledge about their students. The first place was taken by the form teachers, the second by Olga Masiuk, and the third by Mateusz Pencuła.
The farewell concert featured Ola S., Delphine Wartelle with the band, Jan W. and Matylda M.

(text: Beata Ciacek; photos: Beata Ciacek)