The Ten Commandments
The Coordinator Tomasz Mazur welcomed the entire school community, invited Delphine Wartrelle and her band to the stage and the end of the year began in a singing and holiday mood. Then, the Principal Anna Sobala-Zbroszczyk recalled the beneficial role of rest. She referred to the Balkan lifestyle and their ten commandments, the most important of which are avoiding work, seeking respite and spending time in good company. The Principal wished everyone to have a good rest during the holidays. A summary of school activities and awards for the past year were presented by Piotr Morawiecki, Sławomir Jagiełło, Switłana Kiszko, Marta Wierzbicka – Kotte, Olga Masiuk, Joanna Raczkowska, Kasia Szymańska, Franciszek Fijałkowski – Woyciechowski, Wojciech Świątek, Kachna Królak, Agata Poddębska, Julia Łukasiak and Agnieszka Siatkowska. At the end, the whole school thanked Agnieszka Siatkowska and Julia Łukasiak for their many years of cooperation with a storm of applause.

(text: Beata Ciacek; photos: Beata Ciacek)