On October 20, 2022, a seminar on promoting environmental sustainability in education was held at our school. The event was planned by the European Federation of Education Employers (EFEE) and the European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE), whose representatives Daniel Wiśniewski and Susan Flocken together with the headteacher Anna Sobala-Zbroszczyk opened the meeting. Representatives of the European Commission talked about the best educational practices, representatives of the Ministry of Climate and Environment of Poland, the Ministry of Education and Science of Poland and the Trade Unions “Solidarity” were convincing about the need to strengthen environmental education at school, and an expert of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań reported on teachers’ and management’s perspective. Our teachers – Misza Tomaszewski and Julia Łukasiak and the students themselves took the floor. Guests came to us from almost all over Europe and we were very pleased to welcome them and share our own experience.

(text: Beata Ciacek; photos: Jan W.)