Sports and Artistic Picnic
On June 19, a traditional school picnic was held. This year, the sports activities program consisted of an annual football tournament, a team volleyball tournament and a three-on-three basketball tournament. A new feature at the picnic were movement classes led by Beata Zaręba – a certified dance teacher, personal and fitness trainer, who has been developing her knowledge and practice in the field of functional training and body awareness for years. Artistic activities included the so-called light painting workshops: cyanotypes (an old photographic technique). In the football tournament, the DP1 class took second place, defeated by the third-year team from the Polish school with a score of 0:1. Third place went to the second-year Polish team, and fourth to the pr-DP2 team. In the volleyball tournament, first place was taken by the team from the Polish school composed of: Pola, Bruno, Marcin, Mikołaj, Jakub and Basia, second place was taken by the preDP1 team composed of: Zosia, Nela, Sonia, Matsvei, Gustaw and Antek, and third place was taken by students from Polish branches: Jan, Krzysztof, Stanisław, Mikołaj, Maciej and Jakub. Thank you to everyone who took an active part in the picnic, see you next year.

(text: Wojciech Świątek, translated by Beata Ciacek; photos: Beata Ciacek and Rita P.)