One Hundred Days Before “Matura Exam”
On January 20, the IB school had fun at the ball. The Headmaster Anna Sobala-Zbroszczyk began the official part with reminding how important it is to celebrate and have fun. Following Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, she recalled the phrase spoken by Faust: “Let the moment last forever, how beautiful it is!.” She wished everyone a good and a beautiful time, while paying attention to the need to maintain a balance between reason and emotions when it’s time to test, time for final exams. She encouraged to use reason in moments of weakness or fear, to remember about one’s good choices, about reliable work, about competent and supportive teachers, and about the school where all this could have happened. She said that the ball is time when you can get carried away by emotions, and the graduation is time of trial when it is worth listening to your reason. Coordinator Tomasz Mazur joined the wishes, and after them all couples danced the polonaise. The official ceremony ended around 8 p m, and the party lasted until the morning.

(text: Beata Ciacek; photos:Jan W.)