Mental Health Days
As every year, this time in mid-October, students and teachers devoted their time to reflecting on mental health and practicing mental well-being. Forty-six events took place on Tuesday and Wednesday, most of which were led by teachers from 2SLO. Among other things, there was a meeting with Karolina Lewestam – an aristotelian and Tomasz Mazur – a stoic entitled “Whom favours fortune?” and a virtual walk around Milan with a former history teacher at 2SLO, Zbigniew Strucki. In addition, students participated in workshops on coping with stress, the art of rest, the psychology of happiness, sensitivity, sleep, writing, the stoic attitude, and the beneficial influence of literature. The school was also visited by graduates who shared their reflections on their school work involvement and concluded that they have been well prepared for academic tasks. People eager for artistic activities took analogue photographs, painted with watercolors, and made bead decorations. During theater classes, participants learned when and how to chill out, during music classes how to express their emotions, and during film classes how to create amateur stop-motion animations. Competition enthusiasts played board games or fought battles with plastic armies. Several groups went outside the school and visited Juan Soriano’s magical sculpture garden in Owczarnia near Warsaw, fried plum jam at their teacher’s house, went to the forest to admire large trees and relaxed on trampolines. There were also sports activities such as: basketball training or morning gymnastics with elements of yoga.

(text: Beata Ciacek; photos: Beata Ciacek, Ola Grudzińska, Kachna Królak)