In a welcoming speech, she mentioned that although we had a difficult time of isolation, we come back hoping to share ideas and to face the challenges of the future. She ensured the strength of the community we create and wished the participants and guests the creative inspiration.
The Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to Poland, Samvel Mkrtchian, as the guest of honor of the conference, referred to the history of the United Nations and recalled its fundamental role in the world – maintaining security and peace. He also mentioned that inter-state relations are characterized by constant tensions and new unexpected realities, which is why he emphasized the importance of debating and maintaining relations. He drew attention to the need to reform the UN structure in order to counterbalance too strong influence of the so-called “big players”.
When asked about the situation of his homeland, he admitted that Armenia, due to its location and history, had strong ties to Russia, but emphasized that in terms of its values, it was closer to the European Union. The most important goal is to strengthen democratic institutions and fair society based on democratic principles.
The conference participants, divided into six teams, debated the following issues:
Kurdish-Turkish conflict in northern Syria, assessment of the current situation in Yemen and reduction of the consequences of the possible conflict escalation, examining the constant increase in the influence of Chinese capital on the economies of developing countries, combatting the opium trade in the Golden Crescent region, preparing for a potential repetition of the global pandemic, problems of countries whose economies are dependent on the petroleum industry in relation to climate change.