In Schindler’s Footsteps

On June 12, students from the history club, under the supervision of Wojciech Milej, went on a trip to Krakow, following in the footsteps of the heroes of the film entitled Schindler’s List (director: S. Spielberg). During a one-day trip, they saw the most important places where the film took place, such as Oskar Schindler’s apartment, the platform from the end of the film and the stairs under which a Jewish family were hiding during the liquidation of the ghetto. Then they went to the Płaszów district of Krakow to visit the Oskar Schindler’s “Emalia” Factory museum. The museum shows in a moving way the realities of everyday life in Krakow during World War II. The trip enriched students’ knowledge about the Holocaust and made them sensitive to universal social, historical and cultural problems. 

(text: Antonii P., edited and translated by: Beata Ciacek, photos: Michał K.)