I Was a Soldier…
On November 14, the school was visited by Mr. David Kaiser, a Vietnam War veteran, drafted into the American army immediately after graduating from school in 1968 and sent to Saigon (now Ho Chi Minh City) with the task of supporting the South Vietnamese. Together with other four people, they constituted the advisory team. They also had technologically advanced weapons and ammunition. He remembers his cooperation with the Vietnamese very well. He especially emphasized their fighting abilities, incredible determination and subordination to their leaders. When asked about today’s message, Mr. Kaiser emphasized the importance of good leadership and expressed his belief that listening to the advice of experienced people is crucial not only in times of war. He referred to contemporary war conflicts in which the United States, Russia and China are once again on opposite sides of the barricade, just like during the Vietnam War. He made the listeners realize that each of them could one day be drafted into the army, just like he was many years ago. However, he encouraged people to focus on constructive action, to show youthful enthusiasm, and to persevere in the fight. He advised never to quit. The meeting was prepared by Marta Wierzbicka-Kotte and her students.

(text: Beata Ciacek; photos: Beata Ciacek)