For Your and Our Liberty
On account of the celebration of the 81st anniversary of the outbreak of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, Zuzanna Herzberg – an artist and activist involved in, among other things, commemorating the women fighters of the Warsaw Ghetto, visited our school on April 16. The activist talked about her artistic and social actions aimed at opposing the official historical narrative and reaching a different perspective of the past.
It all started with a controversy regarding the Polish memory of the Dąbrowszczacy – organized and supervised by the Communist Internationale the 13th International Brigade known as the XIII Dąbrowski Brigade, fighting on the side of the republican troops supported by the communist USSR in the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) against the troops commanded by General Franco, supported by the authorities of the Third Reich and fascist Italy. The activist’s grandfather fought in these units and she protested against the removal of the memory of the the Dąbrowski Brigade from the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
She also pays a lot of attention to Jewish anarchists such as Fanny Kaplan, Olga Taratuta, and Milly Witkop, who created an anarchist resistance movement against political and social oppression. The artist was also involved in commemorating the fighters of the Warsaw Ghetto, emphasizing the individual and collective resistance of women during the Holocaust.

(text: Beata Ciacek; photos: Beata Ciacek)