Do Wisely and Consider the End
From the Latin sentence: Quidquid agis, prudenter agas et respice finem!, headmaster Anna Sobala-Zbroszczyk started the end of the school year. She also recalled the idea behind the founders of Summerhill School as worthy of consideration. Its creator, Alexander Neill, believed that a child has innate wisdom and a sense of realism and will develop as much as it can if left in peace. It seems that the most valuable gift for students is to create an atmosphere in which they can build self-confidence.
The coordinator Tomasz Mazur drew attention to the nature of time and wished everyone to reflect from the distance and remember what is important. The holiday mood was introduced by Delphine Wartelle with her music band. Sławomir Jagiełło assured that it is always possible to do something better and singled out the special achievements of people participating in the work of the “Grupa Calcullus” circle. Piotr Morawiecki, Switłana Kiszko, Agnieszka Siatkowska, Marta Wierzbicka-Kotte and Katarzyna Evenou congratulated the distinguished students on their activity and achievements. PreDP home teachers gave special awards to their students. Anna Klukaczewska-Gotlib said goodbye to her English group at the school forum, Franek Fijałkowski-Wojciechowski presented the award to the winning team in the Group4 Project, and Wiola Handzel awarded the athletes. The entire school community thanked Jędrzej Malko, Kamil Dębowski, Paweł Kubalski and Wiola Handzel for many years of cooperation.

(text: Beata Ciacek; photos: Beata Ciacek)