Christmas Eve 2023
On Thursday, December 21, we met in the gym at ul. Nowowiejska 5 with all the people who make up the Dwójka community (i.e. students, their parents, teachers, administrative staff of the school, its graduates and the school management) at our usual School Christmas Eve. The ceremony was an opportunity to express wishes both individually and to all those gathered (by Anna Sobala-Zbroszczyk, the school principal, and Jakub Witczak, chairman of the school self-government of the Polish school), as well as to sing Christmas carols together (under the leadership of Jan Skrzypek, our long-time teacher and former school principal and his band of musicians). Thank you for this time of reflection and joy together, which is extremely important to us.

(text:Marcin Krupowicz; poster: Hanna K., photos: Marcin Krupowicz)