BIMUN 2024
On April 11-16, the 2nd SLO delegation took part in one of the best MUN conferences in the region, at BIMUN in Budapest. Over the next few days, students debated the crisis in Kashmir between India and Pakistan and participated in a discussion about a simulated crisis in Germany caused by Kurdish terrorist actions. The level of debates was very high. The 2nd SLO delegation managed to show its best side. One student from Polish branches – Marek W. received an award. In their free time, the conference participants, under the supervision of Marta Wierzbicka-Kotte and Renata Kurek, enjoyed the magical atmosphere of the Austro-Hungarian city, explored the corners of the Jewish district and saw the monument of the Prime Minister of Hungary from the period of the Hungarian Revolution in 1956, Imry Nagy.

(text: Marta Wierzbicka-Kotte, edited by: Beata Ciacek; photos: Marta Wierzbicka-Kotte, Renata Kurek)