Our offer

Pre – DP (Pre – Diploma Programme) 

In the preparatory years of Pre-DP1 and Pre-DP2 – students follow the core curriculum for the first and second grade of a Polish high school. 

In addition all students: 

• learn maths in small groups divided according to their level of knowledge for three years 

• practice writing in English during classes called ‘Academic Writing’, 

• attend DP-preparatory courses in DP subjects offered at our school, 

• receive culturally broad education (arts subjects ) 

• carry out a social project as a preparation for the CAS (Creativity, Activity & Service) subject at DP. 

DP  ( Diploma Programme ) 

In international departments, in classes DP1 and DP2 (3rd and 4th grade of high school), our school offers the following subjects: 

Group I – Language A (Studies in Language and Literature) 

Polish  (Literature) – higher level / standard level 

English  (Language and Literature) – higher level / standard level 

Group II – Language B (Language Acquisition) 

English – higher level 

German – higher level / standard level 

French – higher level / standard level 

Spanish – higher level / standard level 

Group III – Individuals & Societies 

Geography – higher level / standard level 

History – higher level / standard level 

Economics – higher level / standard level 

Psychology – higher level / standard level 

Philosophy – higher level / standard level 

Group IV – Sciences 

Biology – higher level / standard level 

Chemistry – higher level / standard level 

Physics- higher level / standard level 

Computer Science – higher level / standard level 

Group V – Mathematics 

Applications & Interpretation – higher level / standard level 

Analysis & Approaches – higher level / standard level 

Group VI – Arts 

Visual Arts – higher level / standard level 

The subjects in DP can be chosen according to the following 18 pathways. 

Each path consists of a set of subjects required to take the final exams at international departments. These paths are:  

Language A Language A/B Psychology Biology Mathematics Visual Arts 
Language A Language A/B Psychology Chemistry Mathematics Visual Arts 
Language A Language A/B Philosophy Chemistry Mathematics Visual Arts 
Language A Language A/B Economics Comp. Scien Mathematics Visual Arts 
Language A Language A/B Economics Chemistry  Biology Mathematics 
Language A Language A/B Psychology Chemistry Biology Mathematics 
Language A Language A/B Economics Physics Comp. Scien Mathematics 
Language A Language A/B Psychology Physics Chemistry Mathematics 
Language A Language A/B Economisc Psychology Biology Mathematics 
10 Language A Language A/B Economics Geography Chemistry Mathematics 
11 Language A Language A/B Philosophy Geography Biology Mathematics 
12 Language A Language A/B Psychology Philosophy Chemistry Mathematics 
13 Language A Language A/B Economics History Comp. Scien Mathematics 
14 Language A Language A/B Psychology History Biology Mathematics 
15 Language A Language A/B Psychology History Physics Mathematics 
16 Language A Language A/B Philosophy History Physics Mathematics 
17 Language A Language A/B Psychology Economics Physics Mathematics 
18 Language A Language A/B Psychology Economics Comp. Scien Mathematics 

In individual, well-justified cases, we allow the possibility of a different arrangement of subjects, but this requires the consent of the school management. Although we offer these 18 paths, we cannot guarantee that every year each of them will be accomplished. It happens when too few people sign up for a certain course. Four people is the minimum number of  students required to form a group by the school. If there are fewer people enrolled on a course, we may offer to start it in a small group mode, but for an additional monthly fee to the tuition. If the parent decides not to do so, we will not run the course, which in some cases may also mean that we will not run the path. 

All subjects (except for Polish and foreign languages) in classes DP1 and DP2 are taught in English. 

Students prepare for the International Baccalaureate in 6 selected subjects – 3 at the higher level and 3 at the basic level. In individual, well-justified cases, we allow the possibility of an additional seventh subjects, as well as the implementation of four subjects at a higher level. 
