Donate 1.5 % of your tax!

We encourage you to donate 1.5 % of your tax to the school. 

We would like to ask you to donate 1.5 % of your income tax to the Civic Educational Society [STO] – a public benefit organization. 

The Local Board of the Civic Educational Society No. 144 as the body running the Paweł Jasienica 2nd Civic High School with International Branches STO is not a public benefit organization and by law payments may only be made to the STO account. 90% of the money is donated to our Local Board No.144  and 10% is allocated for the goals of the entire association, i.e. scholarships for students, equipping schools in poor communities and co-financing educational activities. 

We allocate the amounts transferred by you for statutory purposes, in particular for financing school trips and for equipping our schools. 

Thanks to your support, the school can increase the funds allocated in the budget for social purposes – in particular for co-financing trips – individually for students in a difficult financial situation. 

Worth knowing and remembering: 

  • The 1.5 % donation is in accordance with Polish law and has been in use for 10 years. 
  • The amount of the donation may not exceed 1.5 % of the income tax resulting from the tax return. 
  • In your tax return form, you indicate the organization you want to donate, and the Tax Office transfers the funds directly to its account. 
  • The 1.5 % transferred does not reduce your personal income or increase the amount of tax payable. 
  • You do not bear any costs associated with the transfer of 1.5 %. 
  • The donation of 1.5 % is voluntary and it is up to you to decide on the allocation of this amount. It is not our goal to create competition for other vital social needs. We recognize that all public benefit organizations have noble intentions, and only the donors decide about their support. 

In the PIT declaration, please enter: 

Name of the OPP: Społeczne Towarzystwo Oświatowe
KRS number: 0000012189
Specific objective: SKT 144 STO

It is VERY IMPORTANT to enter our “SKT 144 STO” as the specific goal, then the amounts are transferred from the STO account to the school’s account. 

Please donate “1.5 % of your tax to your child’s school” this year as well. 

Yours faithfully, 

The Board of SKT No. 144 STO and the 2slo Leadership 
