Simulation of the European Parliament Elections in 2 SLO

On June 4, simulated elections to the European Parliament took place in Solec. The Civic Platform received the greatest support with 32 votes.


list No. 1 – Coalition Electoral Committee the Third Way: Poland 2050 and the Polish People’s Party – 4 votes, 7.5%

list No. 2 – Electoral Committee of the Confederation of Freedom and Independence – 8 votes, 15%

list No. 3 – Electoral Committee of Nonpartisan Local Government – Normal Poland in Normal Europe – 0,

list No. 4 – Polexit Election Committee – 0,

list No. 5 – Coalition Election Committee Civic Coalition – 32 votes, 60.5%

list No. 6 – Coalition Election Committee the Left – 7 votes, 13%

list No. 7 – Election Committee Law and Justice – 2 votes, 4%

list No. 8 – Election Committee Normal Country– 0,

list No. 9 – Election Committee Liberal Poland: Entrepreneurs’ Strike -0,

list No. 10 – Election Committee of the Repair of Poland Movement – ​​0.


Teachers 17%

Students: 21%

preDP1 18%

preDP2 26%

DP1 20%

(text: Maciej Chmielewski, translation: Beata Ciacek; photos: Beata Ciacek)