Meeting with Andrzej Celiński on the 35th Anniversary of the Elections on June 4, 1989
On the occasion of the 35th anniversary of the elections on June 4, 1989, on Wednesday, June 5, 2024, we hosted Andrzej Celiński – politician and sociologist, member of Solidarity, participant of the Round Table, democratic opposition activist, MP and senator. During the meeting, we asked our guest, among others: whether the result of the June 1989 elections was a surprise to him and why, in his opinion, Poland managed to liberate itself from communism as the first country among the satellite countries of the USSR, and in a peaceful way. The conversation was also an opportunity to reflect on the Round Table discussions and Balcerowicz’s plan. Our guest willingly answered all our questions and supplemented them with anecdotes, for example about his meetings with representatives of the authorities and officials in the USA. The meeting was an excellent opportunity to learn the perspective of a direct witness and actor of those events. Once again, we would like to express our sincere thanks to Mr. Celiński for his visit and conversation.
At the end of the meeting, headmaster Anna Sobala-Zbroszczyk reminded everyone gathered that the historic June elections only slightly preceded (and largely enabled) the establishment of our school in 1989.

(text: Helena B., editor: Beata Ciacek, translation: Beata Ciacek.; photos: Pola G.)