For a Good Start
We began our first school year at 2SLO with a several-kilometer hike in the vicinity of Garwolin. This place became our home for a few days. We stayed at the campsite in tents and in holiday cottages. We were also kayaking on the Wilga River, played Frisbee matches every day, played games like ‘flags’, UNO and ‘macao’. We spent one of the afternoons on macro photography classes, during which we took a lot of close-ups of mini objects from the natural world, such as the insides of flower goblets or insects. In the evenings, we prepared dinner, and by the fire we sang songs, danced and talked until late in the evening.
Four days passed quickly. We entered the new high school time together, well-charged with the energy of nature.
(text: Marek Rudnik and Maciej Krywult; edited by: Beata Ciacek; photos: Kachna Królak, Agata Poddębska)