Na koniec semestru w klasyczną trasę
Na zakończenie tego roku szkolnego 2SLO Cycling Academy wybrało się na przejazdówkę po klasycznej trasie treningowej okołowarszawskich kolaży profesjonalnych i amatorskich, czyli Wałem Zawadowskim i jego przedłużeniem w kierunku Góry Kalwarii. Nie zawsze udało nam się utrzymać tempo profesjonalistów, ale już z amatorami mogliśmy konkurować. O niezbędną filozoficzną refleksję zadbał w 251 rocznicę urodzin Robert Owen.
2SLO – Śródmieście – Mokotów – Wilanów – Kępa Okrzewska – Kępa Oborska – Ciszyca – Obórki – Okrzeszyn – Wilanów – Mokotów – Śródmieście – 2SLO
40 kilometrów w solidnym tempie!
“It is confidently expected that the period is at hand, when man, through ignorance, shall not much longer inflict unnecessary misery on man; because the mass of mankind will become enlightened, and will clearly discern that by so acting they will inevitably create misery to themselves. As soon as the public mind shall be sufficiently prepared to receive it, the practical detail of this system shall be fully developed. For the extensive knowledge of the facts which present themselves on the globe, makes it evident to those whose reasoning faculties have not been entirely paralysed, that all mankind firmly believe, that everybody except themselves has been grievously deceived in his fundamental principles; and feel the utmost astonishment that the nations of the world could embrace such gross inconsistencies for divine or political truths. Most persons are now also prepared to understand, that these weaknesses are firmly and conscientiously fixed in the minds of millions, who, when born, possessed equal faculties with themselves. And although they plainly discern in others what they deem inconceivable aberrations of the mental powers, yet, in despite of such facts, they are taught to believe that they themselves could not have been so deceived; and this impression is made upon the infant mind with the greatest ease, whether it be to create followers of the most ignorant, or of the most enlightened systems.”
Robert Owen, A New View of Society (fragment)
(tekst, zdjęcia: Marcin Krupowicz)